McLuhan Quotes of the Week

One of the most controversial and original thinkers of our time, McLuhan is universally regarded as the father of communications and media studies.
But he is far more than that. A charismatic figure, whose remarkable perception propelled him onto the international stage, McLuhan became the prophet of the new information age.
In his own time he drew both accolades and criticism for his intuitive vision, his steady stream of thought-provoking metaphors, and fast-forward glimpses into a world where software would eclipse hardware and the power of mass media would eclipse the power of government. The information superhighway fulfilled his perceptive observation that the world would ultimately become a “global village.”
War and Peace in the Global Village
Marshall McLuhan: On the Nature of Media
Understanding Media (eBook)
Understanding Media
The Mechanical Bride (paperback)
The Medium is the Massage
The Classical Trivium (hardcover)
The Classical Trivium (softcover)
Marshall McLuhan Unbound
From Cliché to Archetype